Business Plans waste of time?

Business Plans are crucial so why don’t companies make that priority #1? My excuse was always that  I needed to take care of more important items like sales, marketing. meetings and other items.

I missed the boat. I realized that without a plan you have no business. I hired an expert and here is her take on why you need a Business plan.

So what do you think? Do you have a Business Plan? Has it helped? If you don’t have one why not?

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4 responses to “Business Plans waste of time?

  1. Sherry

    I do have a business plan and have found that it helps greatly. At first I thought that it was a waste of time, but as I was going through it I found out how valuable it can be and just where I want to be in a few years. I believe that all business’ should be doing this and looking at it every few months to see if they are on the right track. So many times, the people who do implore them put them together just to sit there and maybe glance at it once a year. If you did that how can you see if you are on the right track?

    There is a great business plan on the website along with many other business information.


  2. Business plans are crucial for business and putting them into actions would lead to success. One thing I can share to women entrepreneurs is to never be afraid to be authentic in who you are by working out to dress for success to balance both their masculine and feminine sides in Business.

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